It all started in kindergarten…
I grew up painting, drawing, and making. My mother kept our house full of classical music, books, and an appreciation for the arts. But it wasn’t until kindergarten that I realized my life’s ambition. One day, I was painting a fluffy lamb on green grass under a sunny blue sky when my teacher stopped at my easel to ask if I would let them put the painting on the classroom wall for all to enjoy. This was a big deal because the kindergarten classes were maxed out with little kids and so we didn’t all get to display our work. But as big of a deal this was, I said, “No.”
My teacher was surprised and asked, “Why not?”
“This painting is for my mom.” I said.
”Well, why don’t you paint another lamb painting and then you can pick which one you want to take home to your mother?”
I agreed, the rest of the class moved to the other room to do something that wasn’t making art, and I got to stay behind and paint another fluffy lamb under a sunny blue sky and in that moment, I knew.
I knew I wanted to be an artist when I grew up.
I spent decades making art while holding “regular” jobs. The older I got, the more regular my jobs became until in my 40’s I thought my artistic phase was over. But one day I picked up a dip pen, ink, and paper and found that it wasn’t my artistic phase that was over but rather my regular job phase was going to have to end. I became a bit of a hobo and moved from my long-time home of Texas to Wisconsin, Washington, Florida, Michigan, and back to Florida most of the year.
Now I’m a full-time artist creating abstract work that explores the inner emotional landscapes that we have in each of us and celebrates the act of being a person - imperfect and beautiful. My work pulls you in with an expressive use of color and sense of humor. If you look a little longer you might see that there are details to be discovered as well as a grittiness that winds its way through, what seemed at first, a purely joyful construction.
- Pamela M Roberson
Pamela is an artist, author, and mentor whose mission is to help others connect and realize their full potential as artists. She possesses humor and a refreshing frankness along with an entire life of creating and loving art. She believes authentic connection with ourselves and others is the key to unlocking our best art.
Pamela is also the founder of Strong Artist Life, a dynamic artist community that supports creatives becoming more authentic and confident in their work.
Gallery Representation
LaFontsee Galleries
Grand Rapids, MI
CC Fine Arts
Ocala, FL